
Jennifer stepped down from the school-bus. Her older sister Karen was walking behind with her friend Julie. As they were heading home, Jennifer listened with serious intent to what the older girls were saying.

"So, do you believe in it?" Julie was asking.

"I don't know. Do you?" replied Karen.

"Yeah. The other day, I was playing with my cousin Mary, and we heard a voice. It was creepy."

"What did it say?" asked Karen with wide-eyed interest

"Oh, something like ‘Leave me be’," she said offhandedly.

Karen looked thoughtful.

Jennifer was intensely curious, having no idea what they were talking about, but she chose to remain silent.

"So, you wanna play?" asked Julie with earnest.

"Okay. Tonight?" said Karen with some trace of wariness.

"Yes, as soon as the sun is down, we can play. Just call me whenever you want me to come over," said Julie as she was getting away from them.


Karen waved to Julie, and they each went their way.

Now that she was alone with her sister, Jennifer could not help but ask what they had been talking about.

"Oh, this game called 'Ouija'. You call spirits, and they answer," replied Karen.

Now Jennifer was shocked. A game, in which to talk with spirits. Somehow those concepts didn't go well together .

As they entered their driveway, Jennifer looked up at her house, and, because of their talk, saw it as a haunted mansion, filled with the shadowy ghosts of her family.

Why am I getting scared by my own house? It's not even big enough to be a mansion... a basement, two stories and an attic, that's all. But still, I've lived here my all my life, and can't help being overwhelmed by the amount of life that's contained in these walls. The life that's right now making me think of spirits.

They went inside, and took off their shoes and coats. Karen then went to her room (immediately picking up her personal phone, no doubt), while Jennifer went in the living room, sat down on the couch, and turned on the television. She watched the images of some commercial flicker and flash, but her mind was elsewhere. A minute or two went by.

Why am I even bothering with this thing? I know there's nothing good on, not at this time anyway.

So she turned it off and went up to her room.

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